In the vast world of Blox Fruits, players get to learn all manners of fighting styles, each more fantastical than the last. From Sharkman Karate to Death Step, you can find your favorites and fight enemies your way. One other martial art in Blox Fruits many covet is Superhuman, a powerful fighting style.
If you’re looking into learning this combat style in Blox Fruit, you’ve come to the right place. Superhuman has a few prerequisites, but aside from time, it’s not difficult to obtain. Read on to find out more about getting this coveted fighting style.
How to Get Superhuman
The Superhuman fighting style costs 3 million Beli to purchase from the Martial Arts Master in Snow Mountain. However, before you can buy and learn the martial art, you must first unlock the following styles as well:
- Dark Step
- Electro
- Water Kung Fu
- Dragon Breath
However, once you obtain the four prerequisite styles, you’ll have to reach 300 Mastery with all of them. To gain Mastery, players must fight enemies until they reach the requirement.
After you finish grinding for all four fighting styles, follow these steps to get Superhuman:
- Go to the Snow Mountain area.
- Instead of heading to the town, travel around the mountain’s edge.
- You’ll notice a place where descending is possible.
- Go downwards until you reach a cave.
- Enter the cave and speak to the Martial Arts Master.
- Learn the Superhuman martial art from him.
- After paying him the 3 million Beli and learning the martial art, you can leave.
The long grind for Superhuman has been criticized, but players aren’t required to buy it. It’s entirely optional, as it’s a PvP-focused fighting style.
Earning Mastery Quickly in Blox Fruits
Players earn lots of Beli while playing Blox Fruits, making it less of a concern than Mastery. Here, you’ll find some helpful tips for farming Mastery quickly.
If you have a private server, you can set up an autoclicker or macro so that you attack enemies without manual input. This method is only possible on PC, as macros don’t exist for other platforms or are difficult to program.
Place yourself near some enemies and let them come to you. With the help of the autoclicker, you’ll kill anything that rushes forward to attack you.
Doing this on a public server can backfire, as other players can kill you and collect bounties. When you die, you won’t respawn in the perfect location for Mastery farming. In a private server, however, other players can’t enter, making farming completely safe.
Another method that involves AFK farming has players killing bosses. Go ahead and set two alarms. One will be for half an hour from starting time. The other will be an hour and a half away.
When the first alarm rings, regain control of your character and fight every boss you can find. After this, set another timer for 30 minutes and go back to AFK farming, and then kill the bosses again when that one rings.
As the 90-minute alarm rings, head to the Factory and destroy the core with the martial art you want to gain Mastery for. After going to the Factory, you can stop here or start from the beginning again.
Both the Factory and bosses are excellent sources of Mastery. Repeating this process will let you gain 300 Mastery very quickly.
A third method also exists that doesn’t involve macros or AFK. You need to set up a spawn point near a boss and fight it. After defeating it, block a random player in the server and join the area on a different server.
If successful, the boss will be there, and you can fight it immediately. Players can do this as many times as they want, though unblocking these random players will allow you to reset the servers you can join. The more servers you kill bosses in, the more Mastery you get in a short time.
These methods work best in the Second Sea, though you can also adapt them for other areas.
Farming for Mastery in the Third Sea
If you manage to go to the Third Sea, here’s an optimized path for earning Mastery quickly. You need portals, doors, or quick flight abilities to save time.
- Spawn in the Mansion area.
- Kill Captain Elephant.
- Travel to Hydra Island quickly.
- Kill the Island Empress.
- Locate the Elite Hunter.
- Go wherever his quest leads you.
- Kill the target.
- After a while, you can repeat the quest for other martial arts.
With some practice, you may be able to gain 300 Mastery in 45 minutes without breaking a sweat. In addition, picking up the quest to kill the Island Empress lets you earn extra XP and Beli. The latter is essential for buying Superhuman from the Martial Arts Master, especially if you’ve been spending lots of it recently.
The Superhuman Martial Art
For those interested in what Superhuman can offer you, read on for the details. The first thing to note is that Superhuman is almost useless outside of PvP combat other than decent traveling. You can find better fighting styles for farming.
The main reason for its terrible farming potential is that all of its moves hit only a single target except for Thunder Clap. Even so, Thunder Clap deals enough knockback that you’ll waste time tracking enemies instead of hitting them.
However, outside of PvP, you can use Superhuman for Raids and bounty hunting. These activities tend to focus on a single target so that players can make the most out of the entire move set.
Here are Superhuman’s moves:
Beast Owl Pounce (Z)

A pouncing move that allows you to hit enemies more than 20 times. It’s flexible in direction and works well as a mobility tool, especially if you don’t hit any foes. Beast Owl Pounce has an eight-second cooldown period.
The move can’t Ken Break.
Thunder Clap (X)

You can hold the X key down and charge Thunder Clap, though it doesn’t increase damage or knockback values. Instead, your character will stomp on the ground and release a lightning ring that deals AoE damage to nearby enemies. Charging will summon a tornado before the stomp.
When hit in the middle of the move, it can Ken Break. Thunder Clap’s cooldown is 10 seconds.
Conqueror’s Gun (C)

With this move, users can dash forward and deal tremendous damage and knockback. You can also use Conqueror’s Gun as a movement option if you don’t hit an enemy. When you hit something or someone with the center hitbox, the move can Ken Break.
Superhuman has incredible combo potential, which makes it devastating against single targets. It’s ranked third in total damage values out of all fighting styles as well. Here are some other pros and cons of the martial art style.
- Great for travel with Z and C moves.
- Z has a low cooldown, making it great for repeated use.
- Its left-click attack is the fastest in the game, pairing well with Buddha.
- C move deals plenty of damage.
- Combos with other moves outside of its own for incredible damage output.
- Enemies can still avoid Z with Ken Haki and some good timing.
- Z doesn’t work against Sea Beasts.
- The grind for Superhuman is time-consuming and repetitive.
- Not optimal to use for farming enemies.
- Z can be overwhelmed if more than one player attacks you.
- Most of its moves are single-target only.
- Effective only after some practice.
- Farming can get expensive.
As you can see, Superhuman is a powerful martial art you can learn in Blox Fruits. Behind the long grind and higher skill floor, it’s a fighting style that’s well worth everything you pour into it. In the right circumstances, defending yourself from other players or killing bosses becomes less of a challenge with this incredible martial art.
One-on-One, Let’s Go
While not the best fighting style for farming regular enemies, Superhuman turns you into a deadly foe in PvP and against bosses. Enemies will crumble under the weight of the style’s combo potential and high damage output, leaving you the victor. It’s challenging to master, but bounty hunters have to think twice before engaging once players understand its intricacies.
What’s your favorite fighting style? Did you farm for Superhuman? Please tell us in the comments section below.
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