Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (2024)

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Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (1)

'); $('#bigImg') .css('top', (e.pageY - Math.ceil(imgHeight / 2)) + 'px') .css('left', (e.pageX - imgWidth - 20) + 'px') .fadeIn('fast'); }, function () { $('#bigImg').remove(); }); $('#' + ramaPodgladId + ' a').mousemove(function (e) { $('#bigImg') .css('top', (e.pageY - Math.ceil(imgHeight / 2)) + 'px') .css('left', (e.pageX - imgWidth - 20) + 'px'); }); } else if (symbol == 'RAMA' && 'gfx/mini/' + plik == oldLinkRama) { $('div#' + ramaPodgladId).show(); } } } } function zmien_odbicie(check) { var link = baseHref + 'fotolia.php?id=215085944'; if ($('#fotosView').length > 0) { link = link + '&efektOpt=' + $('#fotosView').val(); } if ($('#fotos').length > 0 && typeof $('#fotos').attr('data-filename') !== 'undefined') { link = link + '&plik=' + $('#fotos').attr('data-filename'); } else if ('' !== '') { link = link + '&plik='; } var odbijAkcja = 0; var reloadCrop = false; if ($('#odbij').length > 0) { var odbijElem = $('#odbij'); var odbijAkcja = odbijElem.val(); if (odbicia[odbijAkcja] != undefined) { odbijAkcja = odbicia[odbijAkcja]; if (odbijAkcja == 1 || odbijAkcja == 2) // obrot { reloadCrop = true; } } else { odbijAkcja = 0; } } link = link + '&akcja=' + odbijAkcja; var odbijLink = '&pion=' + $('#pion').val() + '&poziom=' + $('#poziom').val() + '&obrot=' + $('#obrot').val(); if (typeof check !== 'undefined' && check === true) { if (odbijAkcja == '-1' && jQuery('#pion').val() == '0' && jQuery('#poziom').val() == '0' && jQuery('#obrot').val() == '0') { if (($('#fotosView').length === 0 || $('#fotosView').prop('selectedIndex') === 0)) { return true; } } } if (reloadCrop == false) { $('#fotos').attr('src', link + odbijLink + '&rozmiar=700'); $('.jcrop-holder img').attr('src', link + odbijLink + '&rozmiar=700'); if (odbijAkcja == 3) { $('#pion').attr('value', 1); $('#poziom').attr('value', 0); } else if (odbijAkcja == 4) { $('#pion').attr('value', 0); $('#poziom').attr('value', 1); } else if (odbijAkcja == -1) { $('#pion').attr('value', 0); $('#poziom').attr('value', 0); } } else { $('div.jc-pelna-rama').hide(); $('div#detCardMain').css('position', 'relative').prepend('

Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (2)

'); $.get(link+'&onlyData=1', function(data) { var dane=data.match(/([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,})/) if(dane != undefined && dane != null) { var indMxSzer=parseFloat(dane[1]); var indMxWys=parseFloat(dane[2]); $('span#maxSzer').html(indMxSzer); $('span#maxWys').html(indMxWys); $('div#maxWymDiv').html('Maximum size (width x height): '+indMxSzer+' x '+indMxWys); $('#maxWymSzer').attr('value', indMxSzer); $('#maxWymWys').attr('value', indMxWys); szer=parseFloat(dane[3]); wys=parseFloat(dane[4]); obr=parseFloat(dane[5]); v=parseFloat(dane[6]); w=parseFloat(dane[7]); $('#pion').attr('value', v); $('#poziom').attr('value', w); $('#obrot').attr('value', obr); $('div#reloader').remove(); $('div#detCardMain').css('position', 'static'); $('div.jc-pelna-rama').show(); var odbijLink='&pion='+v+'&poziom='+w+'&obrot='+obr; $('#fotos').attr('src', link+odbijLink+'&rozmiar=700'); $('#fotos').css('width', szer+'px').css('height', wys+'px'); jcrop.setImage($('#fotos').attr('src')); jcrop.destroy(); setTimeout('initCrop();recountPrice();',500); } }); } if ($('.wizFotka').length > 0) { $('.wizFotka').parent().css('backgroundImage', 'ur' + 'l(' + link + odbijLink + '&rozmiar=700)'); } } var selLan = '4'; var _daneZdjecia = { idFototapety: 215085944, id: 25, idCart: 215085944, nazwa: 'BSS - Business Support System acronym, business concept background', waluta: 'USD', cena: 149.84, nazwaKategorii: 'Stickers' }; var px = 0; var py = 0; var maxSzer =194; var maxWys =147; var startSzer =194; var startWys =147; var newMaxSzer = 0; var newMaxWys = 0; var lastRotate = 0; let imageWithOverlay = 0 function rotateCrop() { if ($("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value") == 1) { $("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value", "0"); } else { $("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value", "1"); } setCrop(jcrop); } function setCrop(jcrop) { // IND MYLO //$('tr#ramaZ').show(); // IND MYLO $('tr#ramaW').remove(); var dane = getSize(); var product_x = dane[0]; var product_y = dane[1]; recountPrice(); var photo_x = $("#fotos").width() * 1; var photo_y = $("#fotos").height() * 1; var crop_x = Math.round(product_x / product_y * photo_y); var crop_y = Math.round(product_y / product_x * photo_x); if ($('#fullSizeCrop').is(':checked')) { crop_x = photo_x; crop_y = photo_y; } else { if (crop_x > photo_x) { crop_x = photo_x; } if (crop_y > photo_y) { crop_y = photo_y; } } if (jcrop) { jcrop.release(); jcrop.setSelect([0, 0, crop_x, crop_y]); } setLabels(); } function setLabels() { var cont = $(".jcrop-holder > div:first-child"); if ($("#wysokosc").length > 0) { tmp_wys = $("#wysokosc").val() || 0; tmp_szer = $("#szerokosc").val() || 0; } else { tmp_wym = $("#zamWym option:selected").text(); tmp_szer = (tmp_wym.match(/^([0-9.]{1,})/) || [, 0])[1]; tmp_wys = (tmp_wym.match(/[ x]{1,2}([0-9.]{1,})[ ]{1,}/) || [, 0])[1]; } if (cont.length > 0 && $("#labelLeft").length == 0) { cont.prepend('

' + tmp_wys + 'in

' + tmp_szer + 'in

'); } tmp_left = $(".jcrop-tracker").width() / 2 - 110 tmp_top = $(".jcrop-tracker").height() / 2 - 15; tmp_top_left = -65; tmp_left_top = -150; if ($(".jc-pelna-rama:visible .jc-gora-srodek").length > 0) tmp_top_left = tmp_top_left - $(".jc-gora-srodek").height(); if ($(".jc-pelna-rama:visible .jc-lewa").length > 0) tmp_left_top = tmp_left_top - $(".jc-lewa").width(); $("#labelLeft").css({'top': tmp_top + 'px', 'left': tmp_left_top + 'px'}); $("#labelTop").css({'left': tmp_left + 'px', 'top': tmp_top_left + 'px'}); $("#labelLeft .labelTag").html(tmp_wys + 'in'); $("#labelTop .labelTag").html(tmp_szer + 'in'); } var lccSave = 0; function initCrop() { $('#fotos').Jcrop({ bgColor: 'black', bgOpacity: 0.3, allowSelect: false, allowResize: false, onChange: function (coord) { if(imageWithOverlay!=1) { var crop = parseInt(coord.x) + ',' + parseInt(coord.y) + ',' + parseInt(coord.x2) + ',' + parseInt(coord.y2); $("#koordynaty").attr("value", crop); } if (lccSave > 1) { var sizes = getSize(); sizes = sizes[0] + ',' + sizes[1]; setCookie("lastCrop", '215085944:' + sizes + ':' + crop, 1); } lccSave++; setRama(false, 0); zmienRozmiarWizualizacji(true); } }, function () { jcrop = this; setCrop(jcrop); }); } $(window).bind('pageshow', function () { if (jcrop != null) { setCrop(jcrop); var prev = getCookie("lastCrop"); if (prev != undefined && prev != null && prev != '') { prev = decodeURIComponent(prev); var data = prev.split(':'); if (data[0] == $('input[name="idFototapety"]').val()) { var oldSizes = data[1].split(','); var sizes = getSize(); if (sizes[0] == oldSizes[0] && sizes[1] == oldSizes[1]) { var crop = data[2].split(',').map((e) => parseInt(e)); $('#koordynaty').val(data[2]); jcrop.release(); jcrop.setSelect(crop); } } } } }); var maskList = null; var maskJson = '[]'; var ram=new Array();var odbicia=new Array();odbicia[500]=-1;jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery('#odbij').val(500);});odbicia[501]=4;odbicia[502]=3;var uklPic=new Array();uklPic['487']='1400746133.2256.png';uklPic['488']='1400746139.1526.png';uklPic['490']='1400746145.228.png';uklPic['496']='1400746166.9645.png';uklPic['498']='1400746177.1551.png'; 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jQuery('div.wizualizacje.oldVersion a').each(function () { var baseUrl = baseHref + jQuery(this).attr('data-loadUrl'); jQuery(this).attr('href', baseUrl + visualizationScriptParamAdd +'&generate=1&obrot=' + jQuery('#obrot').val() + '&poziom=' + jQuery('#poziom').val() + '&pion=' + jQuery('#pion').val() + '&ef=' + encodeURIComponent(text) + '&idOpt=' + idOpt + '&showSize=' + jQuery('#showSize').val()); }); } }).colorbox({ rel: 'wiz', preloading: false, close: '', closeButton: false, maxWidth: '95%', maxHeight: '95%', top: 80, previous: '

', next: '

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Maximum size (width x height): ' + tmpSzer + ' x ' + tmpWys + '

'); } else { $("#zamWym").parent().parent().append('

Maximum size (width x height): ' + maxSzer + ' x ' + maxWys + '

'); } if (itemId == 24 || itemId == 26) { $("#maxWymDiv").hide(); } if ($("div#maxWymDiv").length == 1 && $("div.ruler").length == 0) { var s_etiObj = $("div#maxWymDiv").closest('tr').find("td.etykieta"); var s_etiVal = s_etiObj.html(); var s_valObj = $("div#maxWymDiv").parent(); var fullSizeCrop=$(".fullSizeCrop").parent(); var s_wuklObj = $("#wuklad").closest('td'); if (s_wuklObj.length > 0) { s_wuklObj.parent().after('


'); var s_uklObj = $("#uklad").closest('td'); s_uklObj.parent().before('

Choose a layout:

'); } else { var s_uklObj = $("#uklad").closest('td'); if (s_uklObj.length > 0) { s_uklObj.parent().before('

Choose a layout:

'); s_uklObj.parent().after('


'); } else { fullSizeCrop.after('


'); } } ulozKarte(); var s_valVal = s_valObj.html(); } } $("span#addSize input#nonDefSzer").attr("value", product_x); $("span#addSize input#nonDefWys").attr("value", product_y); if (rotate == 1) { var dane = $("#zamWym :selected").html(); var typyDanych = dane.match(/([\d.]{1,})[ ]{0,1}x[ ]{0,1}([\d.]{1,})(.*)/); if (typyDanych[3] != undefined && typyDanych[3] != null) { var optionExt = typyDanych[3]; } else var optionExt = ' cm'; var product_x = py; var product_y = px; $("#zamWym :selected").html(py + ' x ' + px + optionExt); // IND MYLO $("#wymSelect :selected").html(py + ' x ' + px + optionExt); $("#wymSelect-button span.wymiary").html(py + ' x ' + px + optionExt); // IND MYLO $("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value", 0); } } return [product_x, product_y]; } var przelicznik = 0.4; function fotoPrice(x, y) { var cenaZdjecia = 0; if (cenaZdjecia > 0) { return 0; } var lic = new Array(); lic['0']=[492, 371, 10.24];lic['1']=[492, 371, 10.24]; if (lic.length == 0) return 0.00; else { for (i = 0; i < lic.length; i++) { if (x <= lic[i][0] && y <= lic[i][1]) return lic[i][2]; if (maxX == undefined || maxX == null || maxX <= lic[i][0]) { var maxX = lic[i][0]; var cen = lic[i][2]; } } return cen; } return 0; } function recountPrice() { setUklad(); var fotoliaMinimumPowierzchnia = 0.5; var itemPrice = 4; var selCur = 3; var minimalPriceFloat = 0; var rabatProcentowy = 45; var maximumDiscountInLastMonth = 45; var finalPrice = 0; var lastMinimumPrice = 0; var atrybutyPrice = 0; var atrybutyProcentPrice = 0; var dane = getSize(); var x = dane[0]; var y = dane[1]; var powierzchnia = 0; if (powierzchnia == 0) { powierzchnia = (x / jedPrzel / 100) * (y / jedPrzel / 100); if (powierzchnia < fotoliaMinimumPowierzchnia) { powierzchnia = fotoliaMinimumPowierzchnia; } } if ($('#ilosc_rolek').length > 0) { powierzchnia = 0 } var fotoliaPrice = fotoPrice(x / jedPrzel, y / jedPrzel); $('#selAtrs select.selAtr, #selAtrs input.selAtr[type=radio]:checked, #selAtrs input.selAtr[type=checkbox]:checked').each(function () { var idAtrybutu = $(this).attr('name').replace(/.*\[(\d*)\]$/, '$1'); var idWartosci = $(this).val(); for (z = 0; z < opcje.length; z++) { if (opcje[z][0] == idAtrybutu) { for (i = 0; i < opcje[z][1].length; i++) { if (idWartosci == opcje[z][1][i][0]) { if (opcje[z][3] == -1) { if (opcje[z][2] == 1 || ($('#idWartosciWlasny').val() > 0 && idWartosci == $('#idWartosciWlasny').val())) atrybutyPrice += opcje[z][1][i][1] * powierzchnia; else atrybutyPrice += opcje[z][1][i][1]; } else if (opcje[z][3] == 1) { if (opcje[z][2] == 1 || ($('#idWartosciWlasny').val() > 0 && idWartosci == $('#idWartosciWlasny').val())) atrybutyProcentPrice += opcje[z][1][i][1] * powierzchnia; else atrybutyProcentPrice += opcje[z][1][i][1]; } break; } } } } }); var atrybutyPrice = (Math.round(atrybutyPrice * przelicznik * 10000) / 10000); if ($('#ilosc_rolek').length > 0) { var ilosc_rolek = parseInt($('#ilosc_rolek').val()); if (ilosc_rolek <= 0) ilosc_rolek = 1; fotoliaPrice = (Math.round(fotoliaPrice / ilosc_rolek * 10000) / 10000) * ilosc_rolek; atrybutyPrice = atrybutyPrice * ilosc_rolek; atrybutyPrice += itemPrice * ilosc_rolek; } atrybutyPrice = (Math.round(atrybutyPrice * 100) / 100); var finalPrice = fotoliaPrice + atrybutyPrice; if (atrybutyProcentPrice > 0) finalPrice = finalPrice + Math.round((finalPrice * (atrybutyProcentPrice / 100)) * 100) / 100; lastMinimumPrice = finalPrice * ((100 - maximumDiscountInLastMonth) / 100); if (rabatProcentowy > 0 && $('#kwotaOszczednosci').length > 0) { var normalPrice = finalPrice.toFixed(2); finalPrice = finalPrice * ((100 - rabatProcentowy) / 100); if (minimalPriceFloat > 0 && minimalPriceFloat > finalPrice) { finalPrice = minimalPriceFloat; } var savePrice = normalPrice - finalPrice; if (selCur == 1) { $('#kwotaPrzekreslona').html(normalPrice.toString().replace('.', ',')); $('#kwotaOszczednosci').html(savePrice.toFixed(2).replace('.', ',')); } else { $('#kwotaPrzekreslona').html(normalPrice.toString()); $('#kwotaOszczednosci').html(savePrice.toFixed(2)); } } if (selCur == 1) { $('#kwotaZamowienia').html(finalPrice.toFixed(2).replace('.', ',')); $('#lastMinimalPrice').html(lastMinimumPrice.toFixed(2).replace('.', ',')); } else { $('#kwotaZamowienia').html(finalPrice.toFixed(2)); $('#lastMinimalPrice').html(lastMinimumPrice.toFixed(2)); }// IND MYLO var wymiaryObrocone = 'Dimensions have been rotated.'; if (jQuery('#wymStand').length>0 && jQuery('#wymTr').length == 0) { var newTr = jQuery('#wymStand').clone(); newTr.attr('id', 'wymTr'); newTr.insertAfter('#wymStand'); newTr.find('a.askTooltip[data-content]').each(function() { let dc = jQuery(this).attr('data-content'); let td = jQuery(this).parent(); jQuery(dc, jQuery(this).parent()).remove(); jQuery(this).remove(); jQuery(dc).appendTo(td); jQuery('a.askTooltip[data-content="' + dc + '"]').appendTo(td); }); newTr.find('.maskInput, select').remove(); newTr.find('').append('

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' + wymiaryObrocone + '

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'); jQuery('#wymStand option').each(function () { optGroup = jQuery('#wymSelect optgroup').last(); jQuery('#wymSelect').attr('data-atrId', jQuery(this).parent().attr('data-atrId')); optGroup.append('

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  • ", { html: label }); if (item.disabled) { li.addClass("ui-state-disabled"); } if (item.value == jQuery('#wymSelect').val() && (item.optgroup == '' || jQuery('#rama').length == 0 || (jQuery('#rama').length > 0 && jQuery('#rama option:selected').text() == item.optgroup))) { li.addClass("selected"); } return li.appendTo(ul); }; setWymiarOverlay(); } } function setWymiarOverlay() { var text = jQuery('#wymStand select option:selected').text(); text = text.replace(/\(.*\)/, ''); text = '' + text + ''; jQuery('#wymSelect-button.dwieLinie').removeClass('dwieLinie'); if (jQuery('#rama option').length > 1) { text = text + '' + jQuery('#rama option:selected').text() + ''; jQuery('#wymSelect-button').addClass('dwieLinie'); } jQuery('#wymSelect-button span.ui-selectmenu-text').html(text); }// IND MYLO

    Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (3)


    BSS - Business Support System acronym, business concept background.

    Author: ©

    Photo number:


    Other topics:

    word, theory, term, telecom, technology, system, support, software, soft

    Customise product


    Print as:

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    Width: in
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    149,84 USD

    you save 122,59 USD

    standard price 272,43USD


    365 days for exchange and refund

    Safe shopping

    We deliver worldwide

    Guarantee of quality


    Product Description

    Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (6)

    Classic Sticker

    Our classic stickers are printed on self-adhesive foil. The stickers are a great idea for a quick makeover of walls, furniture, doors, windows, laptops, and household appliances. This design can also be cut to shape – please contact us for more detail.

    • ✓ Elastic and durable
    • ✓ Instant arrangement transformation
    • ✓ Non-transparent print (white elements of the design remain visible)

    Maximum width of a single sticker panel: 133cm. If the ordered size exceeds the maximum width, the print will consist of multiple evenly cut sheets.
    For use on:smooth, even walls as well as other smooth surfaces, such as furniture, glass panes or household appliances
    Cleaning: with a wet cloth
    Finishing: semimatte

    Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (7)

    Stained Glass sticker

    Our stained glass stickers are printed on translucent foil, which creates a stained glass effect. It is recommended for use on windows, glass-panelled doors and furniture (closets, cupboard, tables) as well as smooth, unicolored walls. We can also cut the sticker to shape for you. Please contact our customer service to learn more.

    • ✓ Translucent decoration
    • ✓ Elastic and durable
    • ✓ Instant arrangement transformation
    • ✓ Transparent decoration – white elements of the design are completely transparent

    Maximum width of a single sticker panel: 133cm. If the ordered size exceeds the maximum width, the print will consist of multiple evenly cut sheets
    For use on: smooth, even walls; glass or plexiglass surfaces
    Cleaning: with a wet cloth
    Finishing: shiny
    FrontStick option: This product is also offered in an alternative version with the adhesive on the printed side of the sticker. This type of sticker is a fantastic way to decorate glass surfaces from the inside. If you are interested in this option, please contact our office. Option at an additional charge

    Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (8)

    Magnetic sticker

    Our magnetic sticker are printed on a magnetic material. It allows for easy installation and removal at will. Magnetic stickers can be used to decorate metal surfaces (e.g. household appliances, refrigerators) without the need of glue or tape. The elastic material facilitates the installation of the product.

    • ✓ Reusable
    • ✓ No glue or tape required
    • ✓ Elastic and durable
    • ✓ Instant arrangement transformation

    Maximum width of a single sticker panel:125cm. If the ordered size exceeds the maximum width, the print will consist of multiple evenly cut sheets
    For use on: household appliances, metal surfaces
    Cleaning: with a wet cloth
    Finishing: semimatte

    read morehide

    Other topics

    word theory term telecom technology system support software soft service sale responsibility theme index related topics

  • Bss - business support system acronym, business concept background - Stickers - myloview (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Duncan Muller

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    Views: 6100

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

    Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Duncan Muller

    Birthday: 1997-01-13

    Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

    Phone: +8555305800947

    Job: Construction Agent

    Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

    Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.